Waiting List Application

Since places are limited we operate a waiting list system and, as you might expect, in the sections for older children we give priority to our young people moving up from a younger section. Nevertheless places do become available and it is advantageous to get on the waiting list early.

We normally accept entry to the waiting list for Beavers (six to eight years old) from age four years six months, to start as close as possible to age six. If you are older you need to get on the waiting list as soon as possible. We always do our best to accommodate everyone but the earlier you apply the more likely you will get a place!

If you or one of your young ones are interested in joining, please click here. Once your application has been received, an email will be sent to you from our waiting list coordinator. If there are no places available or your child is not old enough, you will be placed on the waiting list. Then we will let you know when a place becomes available.

In the meantime you will receive invitations to any special events which we hold so that you can get a feel for our group and how we function, should you wish to come along.

Please note that due to the amount of applications we receive, if a place is offered and declined, we usually remove the details from our waiting list.

If you are interested in getting involved as an adult, please visit our Volunteer page and fill in the form there, instead.

Thank you for your interest in joining our group.

‘For anyone thinking of becoming a Scout, I say, go for it, come and join the big adventure.’
Bear Grylls, UK Chief Scout