Easy Search
Make money for us whilst searching the web
Are you one of the millions of people that use a search engine every day? Switch your searching to easysearch and raise money!
Every time you search the web using http://1stwinnershsg.easysearch.org.uk instead of Google or any other search engine, half a penny is raised for 1st Winnersh Scout Group. Search just 15 times a day and you can raise around £25 a year.
See what people are saying about easysearch:
“easysearch is a great idea and just as good as Google for the results! I’ve recommended it to my friends and I think this site is the best around as it does something for people. Well done!”
“What a fantastic idea! I was using Google anyway but this way I get to raise money for my good cause every time I search…brilliant! I’ve made easysearch my homepage!”
So the next time you need to find something online, please use http://1stwinnershsg.easysearch.org.uk and raise money for 1st Winnersh Scout Group with every search you make.
Powered by easyfundraising.org.uk