
Scouting is a charity, but great scouting requires sufficient funds – to run camps, purchase equipment, provide badges and so on. Every member pays a subscription and all our adult leaders and helpers are volunteers giving of their time and expertise freely. However, to keep annual subs at a level which allows everyone to participate we need to raise quite a lot of additional cash.

Please help us raise money so that we can continue to offer a high quality Scouting experience. Below we will be highlighting some of our fundraising activities, which we hope you will support. And we are always open to suggestion for new opportunities, if you have any bright ideas please let us know!

Two simple initiatives which we are currently running are the “easyfundraising” online shopping campaign and our “easysearch” search and earn campaign.  Just using these two schemes in your normal everyday online routine will contribute valuable funds to the group and it won’t cost you a button!

Latest Fundraising News

  • Fundraising update
    Sadly our main summer bbq fundraising events have all been cancelled. We will be looking into other ways of raising funds to try to make up the shortfall this will cause.