Panthers Programme

15/01/2025Personal Challenge and Pack ForumCubs will be deciding on their own personal challenge The Leaders Challenge is to find an obscure fact about Scouting, so obscure that we will be amazed. Pack Forum: come with activity ideas, camp ideas or session ideas for 2025
22/01/2025Personal Safety part 1 and Team GamesMowgli is teaching the Cubs how to be safe by the rivers, lakes and canals Do you know the Countryside Code? Do you know the Bathing Code? Cubs need to learn their home address and a parents mobiles for Personal Safety part 2 (26/2/2025)
29/01/2025Chinese New YearCelebrating the Chinese New Year for 2025 The Year of the Snake Learn about what happens during the Chinese New Year Zodiac Ladders
05/02/2025Young Leader GamesThe Young Leaders are teaching the Cubs new team games and problem solving activities
12/02/2025BowlingBowling night in Wokingham Details to follow
19/02/2025Half Term
26/02/2025Personal Safety (Part 2)Cubs to tell Mowgli their address and a parents’ mobil number. What do you do if a Stranger approaches you or wants to talk to you? Helplines and Online Safety
05/03/2025Bag Packing and Countryside CodeCubs are going to learn how to pack their BackPack for a camp as well as their Back Pack for a Hike. What is the Countryside Code?
12/03/2025Night HikeA hike around the lake with our Camp BackPack.
19/03/2025StorytellerIt’s a good week to read books and be a great story teller. How do we take care of books? Do you know how to uses a dictionary or a thesaurus? Design a bookcover
26/03/2025Mother’s Day CraftSomething for Mum or a special person in your life.
02/04/2025Movie Night – TBC